Meditation Practices

Meditation on the 4 Material Elements of the Body

Meditation on the 4 Material Elements of the Body (Dhātu) Our human existence not only includes our psychological totality but also our material one, to which many people cling, identify with, are influenced by it and suffer emotionally. Many narcissistic tendencies or disorders derive from the attachment and the identification with the material form. The […]

Meditation on Colours (Kasiṇa)

Kasiṇa Meditation on Colours This meditation, which was taught by the Buddha in several of his discourses, mostly suits people with a visual perception, who thus find it easy and simple to focus on a colour in order to develop mental concentration (samādhi). Kasiṇa, which means a complete, whole disc, is the name of a

Insight Meditation

Vipassanā Meditation Insight Meditation was first taught by the historical Buddha, Gotama, more than 2,500 years ago and is unique in its kind. In fact, it was through insight meditation that he himself achieved Enlightenment and became a Buddha. The word used by the Buddha for this meditation is vipassanā, which means specialized, expanded (vi)

Meditation on Friendliness

Mettā Meditation The word mettā in the ancient Pāli language comes from the noun mitta (Skt. mitra) which means friend. Its real meaning is “a friendly disposition”, that is “friendliness”. As a meditation it allows us to eliminate hostile or negative dispositions towards ourselves and others and to develop friendly or positive feelings. It brings

Mindfulness of Breathing Meditation

Ānāpānasati Meditation Mindfulness of breathing meditation (ānāpānasati) was originally practiced by the historical Buddha Gotama and was used by him as the basis for his own practice, after which, he proceeded to insight meditation (vipassana) through which, he achieved Enlightenment, Nibbāna/Nirvāna. He taught it repeatedly, praising it in many of his Discourses; on how it

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